Biden Harris, cosa succede adesso?
Indice dei contenuti
«Noos» di Alberto Angela sospeso dalla Rai: «Temptation Island» fa il triplo degli ascolti
I numeri sono impietosi: il reality di Canale 5 fa quasi il triplo di «Noos» su Rai1. Il programma di Alberto Angela rimarrà fermo per evitare la finale del reality e le due settimane di Olimpiadi
2024 Rule of law report – Communication and country chapters
The 2024 Rule of Law Report presents a synthesis of both the rule of law situation in the EU and an assessment of the situation in each Member State and enlargement countries.
EUROPA IN (QUASI) STAGNAZIONE/ “Francia e Germania ferme, l’Italia smentisce le cassandre”
Le difficoltà di Francia e Germania frenano l’economia europea, che non viene aiutata nemmeno dalla Commissione europea
Frankfurt airport temporarily halts flights after climate activists stage demonstration
Germany’s busiest airport says operations ‘gradually resuming’ after protest by Letzte Generation climate activists carrying posters reading ‘oil kills’
“Guerra mondiale entro 2027”/ Capo esercito UK: “Russia vorrà vendetta, la Cina Taiwan e l’Iran l’atomica”
La guerra mondiale, secondo il nuovo capo dell’esercito inglese, potrebbe scoppiare entro il 2027: l’Occidente dovrebbe farsi trovare pronto
The Right Way to Quickly End the War in Ukraine
Instead of abandoning Kyiv, Washington should give it the tools to win.
Stati Uniti
Biden addresses decision to drop out of 2024 race, intends to complete term in White House
President Biden addressed the nation on Wednesday evening from the Oval Office for the first time since he officially dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee, skipped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress in favor of an event in Indiana.
Tutti gli scogli che dovrà affrontare Kamala Harris. L’analisi di Graziosi –
È sempre più probabile che Kamala Harris sarà la candidata sostitutiva di Joe Biden alle elezioni di novembre. Un numero assai consistente di delegati ha già annunciato di voler votare per lei alla Convention di agosto, mentre alcuni big del Partito Democratico (dai Clinton a Nancy Pelosi, passando per lo stesso presidente americano) le hanno […]
Biden says he put ‘personal ambition’ aside to ‘pass the torch’ to Harris for Trump battle
President Biden dropped out of the race against Donald Trump and endorsed Kamala Harris while isolating with Covid-19 in Delaware.
Biden seeks to define his legacy in address explaining his campaign exit
Even with the spotlight now on Vice President Harris as Democrats’ likely presidential nominee, Biden sought to show how he’ll be engaged until his term ends.
Campagna Trump denuncia,‘Harris vuole rapinare fondi Biden’ – Ultima ora –
La campagna di Donald Trump denuncia alla commissione federale elettorale la “rapina da 91,5 milioni di dollari” che Kamala Harris sta cercando di perpetrare sui soldi della campagna di Joe Biden. (ANSA)
Trump files complaint against Harris for taking over Biden’s campaign funds
Complaint to Federal Election Commission Tuesday accuses Harris of violating federal campaign finance laws
A Trump presidency would leave Ukraine to its fate – because he has China in his sights | Rajan Menon
Ukrainians are determined to fight on whatever the result, but without US support their position would be perilous, says political scientist Rajan Menon
Tesla shares close down 12% after earnings miss for biggest slump since 2020
Tesla shares dropped after the company reported second-quarter earnings that missed expectations.
Profitti Tesla in calo del 45% – Vaielettrico
Profitti tesla in calo anche nel 2* trimestre del 2024: -45% a 1,5 miliardi di dollari, a causa di un meno 7% dei ricavi da vendite di auto.
EV charging is so bleak that some owners are considering going back to gas-powered cars, survey finds
Nearly half of EV owners in the US are considering switching back to a gas-powered car, a McKinsey survey found.
Alexa è un buco nero di soldi, persi 25 miliardi in 4 anni
Un’indagine ha portato alla luce gravi perdite per Amazon, che però continua ad avere fiducia nella divisione Devices&Services.
Big Tech says AI is booming. Wall Street is starting to see a bubble.
The industry has rushed head-long into AI, and stock market investors are following them. But a growing number of analysts are skeptical.