Troppi incidenti aerei… coincidenze?

Indice dei contenuti

Salvini, con il nuovo codice i morti calati del 25% – Ultima ora –
ha spiegato – riguardano l’uso di droga e del telefonino. “Se ti fai di cocaina e ti fermano è giusto che ti ritirano la patente e ti multano”, ha detto, aggiungendo che questo non vale per chi usa farmaci. (ANSA)

Diompirux Compatto e portatile Pallottoliere per Bambini Legno con 100 Perline Multicolori, Abaco di Montessori, Giochi Educativi Regali per Bambini,per Ragazzi Ragazze 3+ Anni,Imparare diventa facile
Diompirux Compatto e portatile Pallottoliere per Bambini Legno con 100 Perline Multicolori, Abaco di Montessori, Giochi Educativi Regali per Bambini,per Ragazzi Ragazze 3+ Anni,Imparare diventa facile : Giochi e giocattoli

Incidente aereo Corea del Sud, la catena di errori: uccelli segnalati all’ultimo, il collasso dei sistemi idraulici e il muro
Una concatenazione di cause è all’origine del tragico incidente del Boeing 737-800 della Jeju, compagnia low cost sudcoreana. Tutto comincia con un avviso dell’agenzia omologa del…

More than 170 killed after South Korean jet crash-lands at airport. Here’s what we know | CNN
Scores of people were killed on Sunday when a passenger jet crash-landed at an airport in southwestern South Korea, with the aircraft careening down the runway on its belly before bursting into flames.

Seul annuncia una completa ispezione di tutti i Boeing – Asia –
Disastro aereo in Corea del Sud: 179 morti e 2 superstiti. E oggi sfiorato un altro incidente, rientra a terra un volo con lo stesso problema al carrello (ANSA)

Norvegia, aereo esce fuori pista si ferma a pochi metri dal mare
Leggi su Sky TG24 l’articolo Norvegia, aereo esce fuori pista si ferma a pochi metri dal mare: tutti salvi i 171 a bodo

UPDATE 29-12 | Incident with flight KL1204
During takeoff of flight KL1204 from Oslo with destination Amsterdam this evening (28-12) a loud noise was heard. It was decided to divert to the airport of Sandefjord. After landing, the Boeing 737 veered off the runway into the grass at low speed. All 176 passengers and 6 crew members are unharmed and are being taken care of. The circumstances…

@putino on X
Segnalato un altro incidente aereo. Questa volta a Oslo, Norvegia, dove un aereo della KLM è uscito fuori di pista.

No injuries reported after Air Canada flight ‘experienced a suspected landing gear issue’ after arrival in Halifax | CNN
An Air Canada Express flight “experienced a suspected landing gear issue” after arriving at Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Nova Scotia on Saturday night, though no injuries were reported, according to the airline.

Boeing battles brain drain as engineers chase the allure of space
An exodus of experience drags on operations and complicates effort to launch its next plane

@AuthorHFerry on X
Yesterday I wrote a rather irate post about Cecilia Sala, the Italian Journalist who’s been arrested in Iran, which I decided to delete. I still believe in what I said, but I think I could put it better. First and foremost, I think arresting journalists for journalism is a
Stati Uniti

Former US President Jimmy Carter dies at home at age 100
Carter was in the White House from 1977-1981 and lived longer after his term in office than any other US president.
US senators seek Turkey sanctions, citing military action in Syria

Musk calls AfD ‘last spark of hope’ for Germany in op-ed in Welt
Billionaire entrepreneur’s backing of the far-right party has triggered a backlash in the run-up to snap elections in Germany set for Feb. 23.