Giornalisti spiati? Il caso Paragon

Indice dei contenuti

Caso Paragon, giornalisti e attivisti spiati. La società israeliana rescinde contratto con Italia
La decisione, rivela il Guardian, presa in seguito a rivelazioni secondo cui Luca Casarini, tra i fondatori di Mediterranea, e il direttore di Fanpage Francesco Cancellato sarebbero stati presi di mira dallo spyware sviluppato dalla società Paragon

Lorenzo Rovagnati, ad dell’azienda di salumi, muore con i due piloti nello schianto di un elicottero
L’imprenditore, 41 anni, era padre di due figli, il terzo in arrivo. L’Agenzia nazionale per la sicurezza del volo apre un’inchiesta. L’incidente in una zona avvolta dalla nebbia. Identificati i 2 piloti

Caso Almasri: tutto quello che non torna nella difesa del governo (mentre Meloni è muta e assente)
Il ministro parla di incongruenze che però non ha mai comunicato alla Cpi. E poteva farlo perché c’era un funzionario da contattare. Piantedosi e l’aereo per il libico pronto prima della scarcerazione

Concerns and doubts mount over EU plan to build deportation camps
The EU’s plan to outsource migration through so-called “return hubs,” which has never been tried before, is shrouded in legal uncertainty. #EuropeNews

Casa Bianca e Cremlino, sull’Ucraina dialogo a due
La trattativa per il cessate il fuoco in Ucraina sembra ristretta a Casa Bianca e Cremlino. Poca voce in capitolo per Zelensky e la Ue.

Trump’s new expansionist target: Gaza
Since Trump’s return to the White House, his “America First” approach seems to have morphed into “America More,” with the president fixated on acquiring new territory even after campaigning on pledges to keep out of foreign entanglements and “forever wars.”

Trump aides knew he wanted to take over Gaza but had no plan
They cast his idea to own and rebuild the strip as a negotiating ploy Wednesday, while walking back key details.
Saudi Arabia, in swift response to Trump, says no ties with Israel without Palestinian state
Saudi Arabia said it would not establish ties with Israel without the creation of a Palestinian state, contradicting President Donald Trump’s claim that Riyadh was not demanding a Palestinian homeland when he said the U.S. wants to take over the Gaza Strip.

Crude oil prices fall to a year-low as US-China trade war intensifies
Crude oil prices slumped to their lowest level this year amid concerns of weakening demands after China announced a retaliatory tariff on US crude oil imports, while the US stockpiles rose for the second consecutive week.
Stati Uniti

DOGE is making major changes to the federal government. Is it legal?
President Trump said the entity would focus on cutting government waste and slashing federal regulations, and he put tech billionaire and adviser Elon Musk in charge.

Mexico deploys first of 10,000 National Guard troops to US border
The deployment comes after President Donald Trump delayed threatened tariffs for a month.