«Non siamo stati noi»
Bombardata base militare in Iraq, un morto e 8 feriti – Notizie –
Un “bombardamento” ha centrato in queste ore una base militare nell’Iraq centrale che ospita truppe dell’esercito ed ex paramilitari filo-iraniani di Hachd al-Chaabi, integrati nelle forze regolari irachene. (ANSA)
Iraq, misteriosa esplosione nella base militare di Kalso: «Un raid con aerei». Gli Usa: «Non siamo stati noi»
Danni materiali e feriti secondo le Forze di Mobilitazione Popolare
Senate Passes Spying Bill, Rejecting Privacy Concerns
Intelligence officials said the tool is vital to disrupting terror plots and cyberattacks.
Big Tech Says Spy Bill Turns Its Workers Into Informants
One of Silicon Valley’s most influential lobbying arms joins privacy reformers in a fight against the Biden administration–backed expansion of a major US surveillance program.
Europe signs off on a new privacy pact that allows people’s data to keep flowing to US
The European Union has signed off on a new agreement over the privacy of people’s personal information that gets pinged across the Atlantic, aiming to ease concerns about electronic spying by American intelligence agencies.